Hai Grade 4 students! Welcome to my blog.
Here I want to share some videos that can help you to learn about our subject about Electric circuits.
and also this one
and please answer these following questions, write down in your note book and submit to miss Cecil.
psssst... you can find the answers on those video ;)
1. What is the name of the things that travel along the electric current?
2. What is the name of an element inside the bulb?
3. What is closed circuit?
4. What can we call a material that passes along the electricity?
5. There are two terminals of battery. What are they?
6. What is the most common material for making wire?
7. How can we turn off the electric circuit?
8. What is volts or voltage?
9. Electrons flow from ... terminal to ... terminal.
10. Why we need plastic to cover copper wire?
Goodluck guys!